
Oscillator technology

Mode-Locked Technology has been striving for many years to replace the existing mode-locking technique in laser oscillators based on SESAM (typical problems with degradation and commonly used free space coupling) with a method based on the nonlinear properties of optical fibers. This approach significantly improves reliability by eliminating the drawbacks of semiconductor absorber SESAM technology. Additionally, it allows for monolithic “all fiber” oscillator designs, greatly enhancing long-term stability and resistance to external conditions.
One important outcome of their research is solving start behavior issues related to the oscillator. Another significant development is the ability to tune the laser wavelength over a wide spectral range. This enables individual wavelength matching for specific processes or even generating pulses at previously unreachable wavelengths (such as visible, 2 µm, or mid-IR systems).
Mode-locked Technology has also addressed amplitude and phase noise. By utilizing nonlinear effects in optical fibers, we have significantly reduced amplitude noise. Furthermore, our advanced active stabilization and frequency synchronization techniques (including custom optical components and control electronics) meet the rigorous requirements of scientific systems, such as precise repetition rate stability and Carrier Envelope Offset (CEO) frequency synchronization—essential for optical frequency combs.
In demanding applications, Mode-locked Technology offers custom-designed control electronics to reduce noise resulting from optical pump power fluctuations. If you have any problems or ideas, feel free to discuss them with us!

Stable optomechanical design

Mode-Locked Technology places significant emphasis on delivering highly advanced systems to end customers, ensuring industrial long-term stability and resilience to external factors. Achieving these requirements is not feasible using off-the-shelf laboratory components, which is a common practice for many small and medium-sized companies. Consequently, Mode-Locked Technology has not only focused on optical technology development but also invested in an optomechanical platform. This platform provides previously unattainable stability during system transport and usage. The platform’s flexibility allows for rapid adaptation to various demanding applications, and the integration of 3D printing has significantly enhanced its modularity.

Low-noise technology

To meet the high demands of scientific and modern industrial applications, Mode-Locked Technology provides advanced technology to precisely control and stabilize the parameters of its laser systems, with a particular focus on minimizing amplitude and phase noise. This is achieved through the development of all-fiber actuators for precise repetition rate control, as well as low-noise phase detectors and PID controllers. Amplitude noise reduction is further enhanced by the use of our ultra-low-noise laser diode drivers. Additionally, the long-term stability of our systems is improved thanks to unique thermal management technology and actively stabilized output power solutions.

Wavelength conversion

To expand the wavelength coverage of lasers, our Mode-Locked Technology employs advanced techniques based on nonlinear optical effects, such as soliton self-frequency shift and dispersive wave generation in optical fibers. For broad spectral coverage in the mid-infrared region, which is crucial for spectroscopy applications, we utilize the difference frequency generation (DFG) technique. DFG guarantees single-pass, high-efficiency conversion into the mid-infrared, covering the range from 5 to 10 µm. Additionally, our systems feature fully automated wavelength tuning, allowing users to easily adjust settings with a single button press. Our DFG systems also incorporate active output power stabilization, ensuring exceptional stability over extended periods without noticeable power degradation, meeting the demands of the most rigorous spectroscopic experiments requiring long-term averaging and data acquisition.